Day 33 to Day 57 - February 22 to March 16
It's hard work not working...and right now, accomplishing anything is about as slow as trying to push wet Levi's through an old fashioned wringer washer. I don't know why that is. I think it might be that a bit of depression has set in or else it's because the walls of the RV with a laid off husband inside are closing in. All I know is that this little cartoon character's face looks like I feel on the inside and probably how I look on the outside. (I think our neighbors are beginning to worry!)
But we're trying. We've been busy these past 24 days of not writing, and we did make a teensy bit of progress.
We spent one whole week preparing our taxes, and our Federal refund has already arrived. Yay! (That will get us through this month). The state of the state of California's refunds are gloomier. Refunds are being held until some unknown date - or maybe never. That's ok. We'll call that our contribution to economic recovery. But if things do change and Governor Swartzenegger with the legislature in Sacramento find a way to release the tax refund funds sometime soon, there won't be any crying here. At that point, I'll find a jubulent cartoon chartacter's picture and post it with my jubulent blog!
We have also spent these last three weeks trying to improve the online business we've had for 15 some years. We decided our small educational software company should produce some actual profit - novel idea. We're also trying to sell the unique deck of educational cards we create and have spent hours assembling them using TV trays in our RV. We have also tried to submit our online matching games to online hosting companies with the hope that they might want to purchase them as an "add on" to their site-building tools. We're waiting for a positive response from somewhere!
It's getting to be a bit "Gone With the Wind" around here as in some of our values are flying out the window. We have always had the policy of "no advertising" on our kids' pages, but after hearing my friend talk about the advertising on the pages her twin boys visit, and deciding we need to survive, we decided that we could offer products on our kids' pages that we deem appropriate. We haven't received any negative comments, so I'm hoping our new policy is acceptable to our customers.
In striving to improve our business, my husband suggested linking this blog to our company. However, I continue to want to remain annonymous in this venue. Annonimity gives a freedom of expression that I might not have if I weren't annonymous. We'll see. That idea might soon be "gone with the wind" as well.