Our First 100 Days - A Wrap Up - April 29, 2009

Note: To New Visitors: This has been a blog loosely documenting the first 100 days of my husband's layoff as software engineer. At the beginning of the blog, I was certain that I would be reporting that Mike had a new position long before President Obama's First 100 days were up. However, it’s been a very long time in waiting - with very few prospects.
I am happy to report, however, that today, in just an hour or two Mike will have a phone interview/tech test with the company he had been consulting with for 19 years before being laid off in 2004. It feels a bit like things are coming around full circle. Thanks to all who’ve followed

 this blog.

Parallels Between President Obama’s First 100 Days and Our Own!
Coincidental Experiences? I Don’t Think So.

  • The President met with and befriended world leaders at the G20 summit.
    A couple from Quebec moved their motor home a few spaces away from us and they befriended us.

  • Michelle Obama received praise for her stunning yellow outfit on Inauguration Day.
    One day not long ago, a friend in our RV park said I looked nice in the yellow blouse I just bought at Goodwill.
  • The President watched the Super Bowl with four Senators and eleven House members.
    We watched the Super Bowl around a campfire with friends from both sides of the aisle as well, played "Shut the Box," and I won $2.25.
  • The President has successfully filled 15 positions in his cabinet.
    I successfully managed to throw out a whole box of stale saltine crackers from our RV kitchen cabinet.
  • Bo Obama made his entrance at the White House.
    Our dog Scooter made an entry about Bo in his Dog Blog
  • President Obama has changed the image of America throughout the world.I’ve updated our company’s "Presidential Solitaire" educational card game with an image of President Obama so we can sell it throughout the world.
  • President Obama has shown much restraint with difficulty in his first 100 days in office.
    I’ve shown much restraint these past 100 days in not acting on urges to strangle my laid-off husband as he works on his computer two feet from me in the RV, humming to Margaritaville in his headphones.
  • People have been inviting President Obama to visit throughout the world.
    Recruiters with all kinds of accents have been calling with software jobs in their countries where software jobs for old guys are still available.
  • The President has been diligently studying the economic situation.|
    We went panning for gold in the San Gabriel Mountains.
  • Michelle Obama’s mother has moved into the White House.
    We’re about two months from having to move in with my daughter.
  • Air Force One mistakenly flew over Manhattan and the President was angry.
    My husband rammed our Toyota into a yellow parking pole at Bank of America while depositing his unemployment check and I was angry!

But Seriously....

President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment (ARRA) Package and people weren’t sure about its impact. Last week, however, we opened up our Cobra statement that said the Recovery Package would help lessen our $929 monthly health insurance premiums until my husband found a new job. We, therefore, are sure about its impact. Thank you, Mr. President - again tears come - Thank you!