Waiting for the Call

Day 71 - March 31, 2009

8:37 - Pacific Coast time - No call from the 3 month software position as of this hour, but the phrase "no news is good news" is ringing through my brain. Isn't it amazing how, during times of waiting or surviving a broken heart, or just plain going through "stuff," it's the words in the cliched phrases that buoy us up. Here's to the writers of all those quotes. One of my favorites is a quote from Neitzche, "He who has a why to his existence can bear with almost any how." That one is for real tragedy, not just the kind of glitch Mike and I are experiencing with a layoff. The other phrase is one I may have mentioned in a previous blog, "The place you are seeking is also seeking you." (Substitute any noun in place of "place" and there you go with a nice little buoying up quote). The one quote that is hilarious to me, but I hope not relevant during this time is one I picked up from despair.com, "Maybe the sole purpose of your life is to serve as a warning to others." On that note, I'll close and hopefully be writing again today while we're toasting to the good fortune of Mike's new assignment.

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