While President Obama was talking about the economy in the East Room in the White House, I was listening to "Day to Day" on NPR out here on the West Coast,getting ready for my day. There was a fascinating piece on scientist Charles David Keeling,who began research in the 1950s that would prove to be one of the most important pieces of evidence of climate change that we still use today. Keeling was obsessed with the effects of carbon dioxide. He developed a flask to gather air samples whenever he could and diligently recorded the findings
over years. During periods of measurement, he'd sometimes take samples of air throughout the night, every three hours, and filled notebooks with columns and columns of numbers. He had a sense that someday all of his measurements would be useful.
Ah, so there it was. I was just beginning to wonder over the past several days of keeping this blog if even doing so would be useful. Thanks to serendipity, I happened to catch a program about a man who wasn't sure why it was important for him to keep a record of a subject that fascinated him, but continued to do so without faltering. And so I continue this 100 day blog which now seems a lot easier than Keeling's task of measuring air on top of a volcano!
Job Update: A firm that does recruiting of software engineers and other tech people like Mike does full time placement right here in the OC. They saw Mike's resume on the web and voila', he has an interview with them tomorrow to see if he might fit any of the companies for whom they recruit. So, it's crawl into the back of the closet in the RV and try to find the interview suit. It might also be an appropriate time for Mike to buy a pair of shoes. His have had half-dollar holes in the soles for several weeks now. But hey, so did Senator Obama's shoes - the ones in the picture with his feet on the desk during the campaign.
I half-heartedly applied for an interpreter of the deaf position and received an email that the district would call tomorrow. It's been 8 years since I interpreted and even then ago my body was wearing out for the physicality of that job. There's nothing like a response to a job you'd really not prefer to take to make you work like crazy on the business you really want to make work! About ninety-nine new ideas for our business have suddenly started dancing around in the neuro-pathways of my brain, so look out world.